The mission of the Institute for Sustainable Forestry is to promote forest management that contributes to the long-term ecological, economic and social well-being of forest-based communities in northwest California.
The Institute of Sustainable Forestry developed and promotes the Ten Elements of Sustainable Forestry
Over the years ISF has brought together practitioners and academics, foresters and loggers in numerous workshops and exploratory conferences to develop implementation practices and influence policies to support sustainable forestry.
The Institute for Sustainable Forestry (ISF) continues to respond to shifting currents and trends. ISF is monitoring these trends and working on a series of policy suggestions and practices to help the smaller landowner continue to operate in an ecological manner and still find markets for forest products, both timber and non-timber.
Sustainable Forest Practices
ISF monitors the success of sustainable forest practices, sponsors workshops and conferences, and provides educational information, technical assistance and publications to non-industrial forest landowners and forest management practitioners.
Agroforestry, Sustainable Harvest, Shaded Fuel Breaks, Fire Resiliency, Prescribed Burns, Ecological Restoration, Species Diversity, Biochar
Thriving Economic Forest Communities
ISF provides marketing, technical assistance, referrals, and strategic planning support to the Sustainable Hardwoods Industry Cluster.
Agroforestry, Local Mills/Processing, Farmer’s Markets, New Forest Product Markets, Job Creation
Sustainable Forest Markets, Trade and Policy
ISF supports the development of effective policy and market-based strategies for non-industrial landowners practicing SmartWood and Forest Stewardship Council certified resource management.
Growing from our foundation to where we have the power to effect change — our forests, our communities, our homesteads, our local media.
Mutual aid that manifests in preservation, conservation, and restoration.
Learn how our ISF initiatives can empower you to get involved now…