Garberville Farmers Market June 10th

June 10th was our second annual Garberville Farmers Market fundraiser.

We had robust sales and enthusiastic shoppers with six more people signing up for the elderberry chat group. The day was also enhanced by the Salmon Creek Volunteer Fire Department BBQ with great food and music.

Chip was hanging with his Salmon Creek Bros having too much fun but still managed to do an admirable job collecting names of ISF supporters. Membership allows you to be notified of upcoming KMUD shows and any hikes or events planned. Many folks want to contribute more and just need to know how and where so our membership list will be a great way to bring more people into future projects. Chip, Gray, Connie and Liz came away feeling very appreciated and supported with our elderberry project and big praise for all the educational shows on KMUD.


How to Grow Sambucus Cerulea