Air Curtain Burner Demonstration and other Environmental News

On the EcoNews Report on KHUM on May 16, Larry Glass talked about the air curtain burner demonstration he attended at the Ruth Guard Station east of Southern Humboldt.

This air curtain burner belongs to CalFire, which loaned it to the Forest Service. Larry commented on being able to stand downwind and barely notice smoke. This is a big consideration, as air quality can really constrain burn permits—he pointed out Weaverville averages only 15 permissable burn days a year. Also, the air curtain was able to consume root balls, which often survive regular burn piles. The machine costs $150,000.

This issue of EcoNews Report also includes an environmental victory from Humboldt Baykeeper; EPIC announces new lawsuits and the successful settlement with Humboldt County over the controversial contract with Wildlife Services; Friends of the Eel River announces further steps towards the end of Scott Dam.

Larry's talk about the air curtain starts at 7:58.

Click here for the audio.

Photos of the air curtain are on

Six Rivers National Forest's Facebook Page.


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